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  • Best in Consumer Tech 2021

      This year’s top equity crowdfunding companies are 🥁 Lora Dicarlo – repositioning the conversation around sexual wellness with their sex tech platform and products. Fan Controlled Football (FCF)  changing the game – literally – about ways that football can be played and interacted with. Stojo showing how beautiful products can contribute to sustainability and show how businesses of the future can succeed. In our history, we’ve featured literally thousands of startups across our events, podcast and newsletter — many of those startups have gone onto raise hundreds of millions in venture capital! And, since we began featuring Reg CF…

  • LinkedIn Could Be the Ultimate B2B Platform. Instead It’s in Decline.

    LinkedIn’s layoffs are a cautionary tale   One of the worst things you can say about a startup is that it’s “a feature, not a product.”   It means that while the idea may be good, it’s not enough for a standalone product. Competitors can easily replicate the idea and incorporate it into their suite of features. A product, however, is a robust experience that keeps users engaged on a near-daily basis.   For an example, we can look to LinkedIn, the professional network that laid off a staggering 6% of its workforce last week.   The saddest thing about…

  • Quibi Is Failing Spectacularly, Just Like We Knew it Would

    Everyone knew a streaming platform that emphasized short-form video and viewing on mobile wouldn’t work — except the Quibi founders.   As an entrepreneur and investor, I know how much courage and effort it takes to start a company, let alone make it successful. So I root for every startup I encounter, knowing full well that the majority of them will fail. Such is the reality of startup life.   But every once in a while there is a startup failure so colossal — a company that is so comically overhyped and whose vision is so off-base — that it’s…

  • This TikTok Controversy Perfectly Captures Our Bizarre Cultural Moment

    Understanding the TikTok backlash will help you better understand all of the craziness going on in the world right now.   It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the news cycle. The past few months have been a dizzying array of conflicting reports about the pandemic, disturbing cases of police brutality, mass “Karen”-ing, debates over internet censorship, international diplomacy and people getting summarily “canceled” for their opinions on those subjects.   If that paragraph is inscrutable to you, don’t feel bad — even the most Extremely Online have trouble making sense of contemporary internet culture.   Fortunately, the controversy surrounding…

  • The Facebook Advertiser Boycott Is Well-Intentioned, but It Won’t Last

    Like all the Facebook boycotts that have come before it, the pressure from advertisers won’t have a long-term impact on the social network. You might have seen the headlines the past two weeks about a collection of major brands boycotting Facebook because of Facebook’s unwillingness to remove hateful content.   But don’t worry if you’ve missed that news because it’s all a big charade anyway. None of these brands are going to stop buying Facebook ads forever, and this boycott will peter out within a few months — just like all the other Facebook boycotts that have come before it.…


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