Ben Goldhaber

Gaming has been a part of Ben Goldhaber’s life since he played competitively. As part of the founding team at Twitch, he saw firsthand the broad market opportunity in the gaming industry and saw what was missing: a centralized platform to get the best information on all things Esports. That’s the engine behind his startup…

Reeves Wiedeman

Author of “Billion Dollar Loser”. You’ve heard the stories about WeWork. The private jet parties, the billions of investment and unfathomable $47 billion valuation. What you don’t hear is the the back story behind the man that started it all, Adam Neumann. Reeves Wiedeman, NY Mag writer who penned their feature article showing the behind…

Eric Satz

Founder of AltoIRA. Securities aren’t as dependable as they used to be, and with alternative assets like crypto, crowdfunding, PE, etc growing in popularity, future retirees aren’t reaping the benefits like previous generations could from stocks. AltoIRA makes the process of creating, funding, and using a self-directed IRA for alternative investments easy and inexpensive relative…

Ryan Leavitt

CEO of Pillar Booth. Pillar Booth creates ventilated, soundproof desk spaces that give you a safe space to avoid distraction. Ryan Leavitt, a repeat founder previously of LearnCore (acquired by Showpad) and Catapult Chicago, shares his long entrepreneurial journey and how the shift towards open office spaces leaves employees with no place to take a…

Jonathan Friedman

CEO of TrueNxus. Whether you work remotely or in an office, you’re no stranger to the overload of project management apps your company has you use in the name of productivity. Slack, Asana, Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, Notion- all have their pros and cons, but how do they all work togethers across different company departments?…

Thru Shivakumar

When COVID-19 put the office workers at home indefinitely, Thru Shivakumar thought her company would be dead in the water. However as the dust began to clear (working professionals and parents struggling to work from home),it’s evident offices are a needed space in the current work environment. What was an existential concern became a strength…

Danyal Ali

Buying a home is one of the most symbolic ways we have to establishing the “American Dream”. However, the process by which we buy and sell via listings, real estate agents and brokers is too often a struggle and leaving you with less money than you deserve. Danyal Ali has found a way to make…

John Roa

Entrepreneur. The last time we had John Roa on the show, he was dressed for success and brimming with confidence. He had recently sold Akta to Saleforce, was launching his VC firm Roa Ventures and appeared living what universally could only be considered “the good life.” Turns out, the reality was far from the perception.…

Domm Holland

CEO of Fast. Fast has swept through the tech ecosystem at a speed befitting its name. And thus far it has been able to do so effectively because it addresses an obvious need -no need to type in your address, payment info, log in info into a million different sites- and because the company needs…

Ben Preston

CMO of Gearflow. It’s 2020, everything is supposed to be online..and you’ll still be surprised how many functions of our society are still on the outside looking in at E-commerce. Construction, an essential business these days, is no exception and Ben Preston and his co-founder Luke Powers saw a huge opportunity to address a major…