Let seniors enjoy a life of dignity

Asif Khan founded Caremerge to help incentive senior care facilities to offer specialized care and lighten the burden. Caremerge creates simple-to-use tech that helps simplify the complexities of individual care for the senior-living communities. Family can also keep up-to-date on the care for their loved ones through the software.

How your texting habits can detect depression

BiAffect is an app developed at University of Illinois at Chicago that tracks texting habits and detects mood abnormalities. The app is currently developed for people living with bipolar disorder to catch a depressive or manic episode with data-mining tools that track text speed and movement. Scott Kitun is joined by Founder Dr. Alex Leow…

Cybercrime is becoming cheaper and more accessible

For $40 any stay-at-home criminal could gain access to your computer, your identity and hold it for ransom. This particular black-market racket became so popular between 2010-2014 that millions of computers were compromised through a malicious software known as RAT, which sold by the thousands over the deep web, earning $350,000. RAT (Remote Access Tool)…

An alternative to lower health care costs

Procured Health is finding solutions for hospitals to provide better care at a lower cost. President and Chief Strategy Officer Eric Meizlish was inspired after seeing medical products being marked up without the hospital’s knowledge. According to Meizlish, health care only changes when it has to, and “when” came after the Affordable Care Act passed.

Israel’s Start-Up Nation comes to Chicago

After speaking at an event at 1871, representatives from several Israeli organizations working in the entrepreneurial and innovative space joined Scott in studio to talk about start up culture, building a relationship with the startup communities in Chicago and greater America and what their organizations do. Guests are Gidi Grinstein, Co-Founder of TOM, Yotam Dagan,…